Virtual and in-person appointments available. Please contact me at 240-485-6053 for more information.

6917 Arlington Road Suite 216
Bethesda, MD 20814
Day, Evening and Weekend Appointments Available

Your Journey Begins with a Single Step

After over 25 years of practice I’m convinced that the hardest part of therapy is reaching out with that first phone call or email to inquire about an appointment.

In all likelihood you came to this page because you’ve been struggling or suffering for quite awhile. Most research indicates that couples start therapy on average about 6 years after problems started spinning out of control. By this I mean 6 years after the fights start getting difficult to recover from, when you both start labeling one another and seeing one another through stereotypical lenses.

Once these bad habits start they tend to progress and get worse over time. Most of us think that we can manage it ourselves, we just need to do this or that and things will get better.

Except they don’t.

Despite their best efforts people find themselves having the same feelings, the same fights, the same sense of desperation.

Chances are that if there were an answer you could find on your own you would have discovered it by now. Every day you wait makes it a little worse.

You don’t have to struggle on your own; give a call (240-485-6053) or drop a line ( for a free 20-minute consultation where we can talk and figure out what the best course of action may be for you.

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